About myself |
Just ask........... the worst thing that can happen is I dont answer....................Music: Shinedown, Nickleback, Chris Daughtry, 12 Stones, Pink, Evanescence, Linkinpark......................TV: Only watch the X Factor (yes sad I know)Books: Dean R Koontz, James Herbert and Stephen King Oh and love the Harry Potter books, what can I say lolSports: Pillow FightingInterests: I make one off costume jewelleryMovies: Blade, Matrix, Marvel films, The Crow, Braveheart, Resident Evil, I Am Legend, Blood Rayne, Underworld, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick, Stigmata, 28 Days Later, Lord of the Rings (extended versions of cause)...... and many moreWhatImInto: Films, reading, spending time with my family.BestFeatures: My tattooesDreams: Never have them lol
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